Simon, the man. Peter the Apostle. The Big Fisherman.
What was he like?
What did Jesus see in him?
What was it like being an Apostle?
Are there men like him among us today? Why did
he deny knowing Jesus? Did you know he was
married? How did his wife participate?
Join us, and meet one man’s vision of the person, the personality, the humor, the life of THE APOSTLE, Simon Peter.
This is a Bible‐based theatrical presentation that many say is more thought‐provoking than any they have ever seen, Mark Price brings key figures of history to life. They will speak to you about their lives and experiences with Jesus.
Mark hopes that his Portrayals will encourage people to get to know those who were closest to Jesus, to dig deeper into the Scriptures and to grow in their faith.
Scene 1 ‐ Introduction
Scene 2 ‐ Simon and Andrew on the Shore
Scene 3 ‐ Meeting Jesus in Bethsaida
Scene 4 ‐ Simon and Jesus on the Shore
Scene 5 ‐ Simon’s Home
Scene 6 ‐ Traveling to Caesarea Philippi
Scene 7 ‐ Palm Sunday in Jerusalem
Scene 8 ‐ Upper Room ‐ Last Supper
Scene 9 ‐ Garden of Gethsemane
Scene 10 ‐ Peter Denies Jesus
Scene 11 ‐ Upper Room – Mary Magdalene
Scene 12 ‐ Empty Tomb
Scene 13 ‐ Simon Fishing / Jesus on Shore
Scene 14 ‐ Solomon’s Portico
Scene 15 ‐ Followers Deaths
Scene 16 ‐ Simon’s Death
Scene 17 – Conclusion
Scene 18 ‐ Q&A—Questions from the audience
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