Thank you for your interest in Mark Price Ministries and Mark's Presentations and Biblical Portrayals.
We request a stipend of $2,500.00 per presentation or $2,000.00 per presentation for multiple presentations. Plus all applicable travel related expenses.
PRESENTATIONS (Mark Price as Himself)
We request a stipend of $1,750.00 per presentation or $1,500.00 per presentation for multiple presentations. Plus all applicable travel related expenses.
We request a stipend of $3,000.00. Plus all applicable travel related costs from San Diego, California. IMPORTANT NOTE: Most Parishes, Churches, Groups include a collection or love offering after the performance or presentation and in most cases the collection more than covers the cost of Mark's stipend/fee.
50% of the Stipend/Fee is due to secure the date(s). The balance is due at the time of the performance/presentation. Travel costs are due when invoiced. The followings is information regarding our performances and presentations: Missions, retreats and Portrayals are presented year-round but we are especially busy during Lent and Advent. It is best if you let us know the time of year you’re interested in and we will send you available dates during that requested time-frame.
A typical One-Evening/Day Portrayal is presented as follows:
Mark would arrive at least one hour prior to the performance/presentation for a walk-through to check the lights and sound. He would then get into costume and make-up.
It is always nice to have music while the audience is entering. This can be accomplished by Mark with his electronic “canned” music or your music team is always welcome to be a part of the presentation by providing the entrance and introduction music. Mark is happy to work with your music director in the weeks prior to the performance to work out the details.
Mark would then perform the Portrayal chosen. Immediately following the performance Mark is available to come back out and conduct a question and answer session with the audience.
Total length for performance and Q&A is generally 90 minutes.
Missions are generally 3 days in length.
A typical Mission is presented as follows:
Speak at all Services/Masses Saturday and Sunday
First night of the Mission is Sunday at 7pm and ends by 8:30pm. Generally a Biblical Portrayal plus Q&A.
Second night of Mission is Monday at 7pm and ends by 8:30pm. Generally another Biblical Portrayal plus Q&A.
Third night of the Mission is Tuesday at 7pm and ends by 8:30pm. Generally Mark Price speaking as himself tying the evenings together.
The Mission is generally presented in the church.
The following are available Biblical Portrayal and Presentation Topics:
Saint Joseph (50 minutes)
Judas Iscariot (25 minutes)
Doubting Thomas (40 minutes)
Paul the Apostle (70 minutes)
Saint Luke (60 minutes)
Saint Francis of Assisi (60 minutes)
The following are some of the most requested presentation topics for Missions, Conventions & Retreats:
"The Eucharist - Thanksgiving - The History - The Power - The Future"
"My Testimony"
"The Divine Love Mysteries"
"Divine Love vs Secular Love"
"She Never Heard Me Laugh - One Man's Healing Journey"
"Who Defines You"
"To Thine Own Self Be True"
"Let Your Light Shine"
"Go and Evangelize"
"A 12 Step Program for Ministers"
"Life - Our Conversation with God"
"If Not You, Then Who?" Assuming Personal Responsibility
"Believe & Achieve - How Do We Know We Believe"
"It's All About the Little Things in Life"
"Being Extra-Ordinary in Ordinary Times "
"Called to be Family "
"Being Proactive in Our Faith"
"The Woman at the Well"
The 5 Steps of Conversion
"In Their Own Words" - Biblical Portrayals
In addition to the time for the presentation, Mark is also available for questions and answers with those in attendance.
We look forward to hearing from you.
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